Search results for: top 5
Salt: 5 Ways to Reduce Your Intake!

We need salt in the body to maintain fluid balance within our cells, and to transport water around the body. Adults generally should not consume more than 6g per day, which is roughly the size of a teaspoon. However, the 2018 / 2019 National Diet and Nutrition Survey revealed that we, as a ...

Iron: 5 Very High-Content Food Sources!

Iron is an extremely important mineral for several metabolic processes in humans. The most commonly known function is oxygen transportation as red blood cells (RBC) need iron to make haemoglobin which is responsible for carrying oxygen and transporting it around the body. The lack of a ...

Heart Disease: 5 Ways Exercise Can Prevent It!

In the UK around 7.6 million people are afflicted with heart and circulatory diseases, with 450 people dying every day as a consequence of these diseases. Therefore, it is really important to do as much as we can to fight this and prevent countless of preventable deaths while at the same time ...

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