Search results for: quinoa
Top 5 Health Benefits of Teff!

Teff (Amharic: ṭēff), was one of the earliest domesticated plants believed to have originated in Ethiopia and Eritrea between 4000 and 1000 BC. It is a small grain used in a variety of different dishes. One of the more famous of these is Injera - a sourdough flatbread which tastes fantastic ...

Ethos – Restaurant

Set in the heart of London’s West End, Ethos restaurant (with their tagline 'Deliciously Different') exploded onto the London restaurant scene in September 2012, fast becoming renowned as one of the capital’s best options for meat-free dining. So when the opportunity arose to take a seat and of ...

Top 5 Vegan Protein Shakes!

The incorporation of a protein supplement before or after training muscles can assist with energy boosting, fat loss, muscle repair, muscle maintenance and muscle growth, in short helping you to achieve your goals faster. Here we'll be talking about such supplements that are organic and 'free from' ...

5 Foods IBS Sufferers Should Avoid!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS for short, can be an embarrassing and often crippling gut disorder. It’s more common for those under the age of 45 and strikes twice as many women than it does men. There is neither a known cause nor cure and symptoms vary between sufferers. The most common ailments ...

5 Top Foods to Ensure Healthy Feet!

Generally when discussing the benefits of optimum nutrition; improvements to cardiovascular health, sports performance or inches off the waistline are often highlighted. However, did you ever think how adopting these changes can also improve the health of your feet? Well read on for our 5 Top Foods ...

Why is Baobab the new health craze?

There’s always a food or supplement that has a weird sounding name but looks so exotic that it becomes the next new health craze! Whether it’s imported from another country or just becomes more recognised for its amazing health benefits, new items pop up on our shelves on a regular basis and seem ...

Top 5 Training Motivation Tips!

It’s no secret that our New Year’s resolutions start to shy out on us around February, since January was trial month right?  Well, now we're going to talk about Top 5 Training Motivation Tips. So, time to put those withering winter blues behind us, put down the cream pie and climb out from under ...

Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks

There is a reason we've called this: Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks instead of ‘meals’ because before you work out you only need something small to give you enough energy. If it's something big, it'll prevent you from burning fat. If you eat a high carbohydrate snack before you hit the gym it'll give ...

Top 10 latest health foods out now!

New products are hitting the shelves all the time so if you think there is a healthy food you'd fancy in your life, trust me it’s likely already out there somewhere. Checkout (no pun intended) 10 of the best and latest health foods out now! 1. Vegetable spaghetti The most famous of the veg ...

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