Search results for: vegan
New Year, New You!

So we’re already 21 days, or 3 weeks into 2017, so how is it going for you? As we all know, this is the time where we begin to see how feasible our excitedly made New Year’s resolutions and promises to ourselves to make this year the greatest, actually are! Many decide to start living healthier, ...

Dulse ‘Bacon’ Seaweed

When we first got the lowdown on what’s been found under the sea we all thought we had sand in our ears but it’s true! The latest bacon replacement is a strain of seaweed called Dulse that according to scientists at Oregon State University has double the nutritional value of kale, is overflowing ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts!

Despite what the name may imply, tiger nuts are actually small tubers, not nuts.  They are an ancient 'superfood' and were first recognised as having incredible nutritional and health benefits some 4000 years ago.  Tiger nuts have been used by the ancient Egyptians who recognised their healing ...

Bodybuilding Legends – Frank Zane

Ask any serious bodybuilder to name his favourite bodybuilders, chances are Frank Zane will be mentioned. In Bodybuilding Legends - Frank Zane, we take a look at this legendary bodybuilder who many believe had the perfect physique in what has been called the 'golden era' of bodybuilding. Zane had a ...

5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals!

If you're health conscious or a foodie, you've just got to know these 5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals! if you're into wellbeing, chances are turmeric has been on your radar. Its slightly perfumed and bitter earthy taste is a unique and delicious enhancement to almost any dish. Turmeric's ...

5 Super Seeds You Should Consume!

Not a fan of supplements? Prefer to get your nutritional needs from Mother Nature? What better foods to turn to than super seeds? Read on for 5 Super Seeds You Should Consume! These are seeds with amazing health benefits that can be easily incorporated into your daily diet. 1) Hemp seeds Hemp ...

Sweet Freedom

Sweet Freedom have invented a revolutionary range of products that allow you to enjoy the sweetness of sugar without suffering the complex consequence of guilt or bad side effects on your health. Because all of the products are made 100% from fruit you feel like you’re indulging in a sweet treat ...

Pure Recharge Smoothies

Pure Recharge was born out of making fruit and vegetable smoothies to support personal sports training and looking into news ways of maintaining a healthy diet. The company produce homemade smoothies and porridge from fresh natural ingredients to provide people with healthy, natural and convenient ...

Keep Fit Kingdom