Search results for: vegan
Top 5 Benefits of Cooking With Coconut!

Back in ‘the dairy days’, the coconut would only bring one image to mind, one so full of rejection, it would make Mr ‘It’s a no from me’ Simon Cowell, quake in his boots. Yes, I’m talking about the collection of unwanted Bounty bars at the bottom of the Celebration box!  So with the growing range ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds!

We often get pumpkins at Halloween and carve scary faces into them and nine times out of ten, we discard the seeds -next time think again as there are many health and well-being advantages to eating them. Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fats and are a fantastic substitute for meat for those ...

Rude Health – Snack Bars

"Eat right, stay brilliant" is the Rude Health motto who have celebrated their 10th anniversary recently and what they've achieved in those years is pretty outstanding. Starting with creating yummy muesli cereals in their kitchen to now creating exciting and innovative food products such as the ...

4 Healthy Pancake Ideas!

If you're looking to boost your energy levels to prepare for a strenuous day ahead, one of the most important factors to your productivity is a healthy, hearty breakfast. If you view your body as an elite, top-of-the-range sports car, you know that it'll require the best fuel to perform optimally ...

New Year, New You!

So we’re already 21 days, or 3 weeks into 2017, so how is it going for you? As we all know, this is the time where we begin to see how feasible our excitedly made New Year’s resolutions and promises to ourselves to make this year the greatest, actually are! Many decide to start living healthier, ...

Dulse ‘Bacon’ Seaweed

When we first got the lowdown on what’s been found under the sea we all thought we had sand in our ears but it’s true! The latest bacon replacement is a strain of seaweed called Dulse that according to scientists at Oregon State University has double the nutritional value of kale, is overflowing ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts!

Despite what the name may imply, tiger nuts are actually small tubers, not nuts.  They are an ancient 'superfood' and were first recognised as having incredible nutritional and health benefits some 4000 years ago.  Tiger nuts have been used by the ancient Egyptians who recognised their healing ...

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