Search results for: gym
7 Ways to Overcome Gym Anxiety as a Woman

On my first visit to the gym, I entered with the vision of tentatively trying my first few sets of barbell squats. It was 7pm, the weights area had been left dishevelled by powerlifters, and the squat racks were crowded with men. The room was hot and sweaty. Too anxious to step foot into the ...

4 Excellent Benefits of Daily Gym Workouts

In this day and age, it's crucial to adopt at least some physical exercise. Years ago when transportation wasn't as much available as it now, people would walk long distances and remain in pretty robust health. Nowadays however, with the advancement of App technology achieved (think Uber) most of ...

Get Leaner without a Gym!

To get leaner, faster, you have to burn as much body fat as you can. The more you get used to reducing your body into a puddle of sweat, the better your results will be. Putting in the hours for exercising or aerobic conditioning whether in the gym or outside of it is never a waste of time. Just ...

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