Search results for: spain
5 Great Reasons to Dance Zumba!

Dance yourself fit with Zumba! These fast-paced, adrenaline-boosting, heart-pumping exercise classes are suitable for all ages and abilities and are a great way to keep fit and healthy inside and out. Accompanied by a Latino-influenced rhythm, Zumba combines merengue, salsa, cumbia and reggaeton, ...

Interview with ProVeg CEO: Veerle Vrindts

If you're interested in plant-based (vegetarian and vegan) living, then we've got a real treat for you. We recently attended the renown “VeggieWorld” event in Holland and interviewed its CEO, Veerle Vrindts. The event itself proved to offer fascinating insights into the plant-based food industry. ...

Interview with Janet Thomson

Janet Thomson, author of "The Placebo Diet" has over 25 years’ experience in the field of weight loss and personal development and is firmly established as a leading and innovative expert. She has an MSc in Nutrition and Exercise Science, combined with therapeutic experience in Clinical ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Capers!

When we talk about capers, we're referring to the flower buds of the Capparis spinosa (caper bush) perennial plant (ie. living longer than 2-years) that are usually salted, pickled and used to garnish and season dishes. Capers are native to the Mediterranean basin. They are produced mainly in ...

Top 5 Women in World Rugby!

Perhaps not as prevalent as the men’s game, the popularity of women’s rugby is growing at a steady rate nonetheless. It’s becoming faster, more skilful and much more of a spectacle to watch, with countries such as Russia, USA and Spain competing at a higher standard than their male counterparts. ...

6 Top Places to Eat Clean when Eating Out!

If you are watching what you eat, whether you are on a diet or just simply eating clean, you might be reluctant to eat out. The fear of ‘cheating’ might be so severe that you’re willing to sit at home whilst your friends are out enjoying themselves. However, there are a vast variety of chains out ...

Top 5 Reasons to Eat Seasonably!

Grocery shopping is easy these days – you can get what you want at any time of the day from anywhere you want – whether strawberries from Spain or avocados from Israel simply at your convenience. We might forget that spring and summer is a good time to explore local varieties instead of the ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts!

Despite what the name may imply, tiger nuts are actually small tubers, not nuts.  They are an ancient 'superfood' and were first recognised as having incredible nutritional and health benefits some 4000 years ago.  Tiger nuts have been used by the ancient Egyptians who recognised their healing ...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Swimming!

Swimming is an excellent way to keep fit; it’s no wonder this unique sport is an all-round workout as it uses of course the entire body. Not only does it avoid putting a huge amount of pressure on the joints, but it also serves as an important life skill that can help protect you against drowning. ...

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