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Little Green Juice!

It’s no secret that the latest health trend is to be seen carrying a bottle of something gloriously green. But what exactly is so magnetic about these enchanting potions that attract the likes of Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow and other movie stars around the world? Well, cold pressed juices ...

Deliciously Ella Every Day

Title: Deliciously Ella Every Day: Simple recipes and fantastic food for a healthy way of life Author: Ella Woodward Year: 2016 Publisher: Yellow Kite Synopsis: Sequel to her record-breaking number one best-seller Deliciously Ella, Ella Woodward is back with more simple and nourishing ...

Top 10 Best Breakfasts!

For National Breakfast Week, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 breakfasts that I make regularly and enjoy every time. All of these are simple recipes, most are deliciously nutritious but there’s even an indulgent one thrown in. This list will ensure you never have to settle for a boring old bit of ...

London 2012 Olympic highlights!

As we gear up for Rio 2016, why not let's take a look back at the previous momentous event? The 2012 Olympics, hosted in London was an emotional and inspiring set of games. The opening ceremony which reminisced over Great Britain’s past up till the modern day was directed by acclaimed British ...


Kevin Hart is more known for his comedy acts and roles in Hollywood films, however, now he is running a campaign #movewithhart doing 5k runs internationally (yes globally!) to get people to move. Running is a new passion of his, “I learned that I have a platform where I can motivate and ...

Your Muscles in Motion

  Just think about it for a moment: all the muscles in your body have a job to do, there are no useless muscles!  In order for your muscles to do their job they must travel a specific motion which cannot be changed; for example, the bicep which is located at the humerus bone can only be ...

How sugar affects your mental wellbeing

Most of us aren't happy with the way we look. Most of the time we look in the mirror wishing we were thinner but we find it impossible to cut out junk food and sugar that we know is contributing to our body’s issues. Sugar is one of the biggest health problems the world has ever seen but like ...

Carbohydrates the new dietary evil?

For a long time, dietary fat was deemed the enemy but in recent times it has become apparent that cutting down on fat has done very little for solving the obesity epidemic. This has led to people looking more closely at the role dietary fat plays in worsening our health and recently in 2010, a new ...

10 Top Tips to keep you motivated over winter

Winter blues getting you down?  Don't worry because here are 10 Top Tips to help keep you going strong! Invest in base layers. It’s cold, we know that so wrap up a little but not too much. One extra layer should do it to keep you warm but not too hot whilst facing the outdoors. Scarves are also ...

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