Low Testosterone: 8 Common Signs & How To Effectively Fix it

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and it powers sexual drive, arousal, and performance. This hormone also boosts muscle mass and strength during puberty as well as assists with sperm production.

Testosterone levels begin to decrease after 30 years old for most men. That said, most men experience a decline in testosterone as they age, and many aren’t aware that this can actually be remedied. Continue on for Low Testosterone: 8 Common Signs & How To Effectively Fix it!

What is Low Testosterone?

Lowered testosterone symptoms include depression, loss of libido (sex drive), erectile dysfunction (ED), weight gain/loss of lean muscle mass, infertility, insomnia, and fatigue. While these symptoms can also be manifestations of other underlying conditions, getting a testosterone level test will help you determine early if this is the case or not. The sooner you know about your testosterone levels, the better prepared you will be to take action to regain and stabilize them.

Also, having the right knowledge helps you make rational decisions about your health. As such, we need to debunk this common testosterone myth: It’s just a condition that affects older men and it’s irreversible.

The truth is, testosterone levels can be improved even in those who are 40+ years old. There are multiple ways to combat low T such as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). TRT works by introducing synthetic hormones into the body which will improve overall health and well-being as well as help with libido and increase muscle mass.

Signs of Low “T”

1. Decreased Libido

This is one of the more common symptoms of low T. Testosterone is responsible for a man’s sex drive and the higher levels provide increased sexual arousal and performance which can severely decrease if levels drop below normal.

To improve this, TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) or testosterone supplementation can help with this problem. A testosterone booster will help restore the balance of hormones by introducing a synthetic version into the body. This allows men to achieve their desired overall well-being.

The most overlooked symptom in older men however is that often, they are affected by multiple problems resulting in low T. Therefore instead of treating each individual issue, it is highly recommended to treat the root cause itself because testosterone level is a representation of overall health. This can be done by using a testosterone-boosting supplement to help improve how your body responds to the problems you encounter (obesity, low energy, etc).

2. Weight Loss/Gain

Low T makes it difficult for men to lose weight and retain muscle mass because testosterone boosts metabolism which increases energy, appetite control, and decreases body fat. It also assists in enhancing endurance during exercise which will ultimately allow you to increase calorie expenditure (burning more calories) during exercise. If you’re looking to gain weight simply take steps towards improving your sleep because lack of sleep has been shown as an indicator of low T.

3. Insomnia

Studies show that men who sleep less (5 hours or less) and experience problems falling and staying asleep are at a much higher risk of having low T. Take steps towards improving your sleeping habits. Some simple ways are turning off electronics before bed, creating a comfortable sleeping environment, and using the supplement melatonin which is known to help with insomnia.

4. Fatigue

Fatigue is one symptom that can be caused by many things; however, when you’re experiencing this it may be due to a lack of testosterone in your system. This can result in loss of energy after minimal exertion and feeling exhausted at the simplest tasks. The fatigue might also affect your mental functioning resulting in a decreased ability for memory recall, learning new things, and retaining new information.

The first step is to increase your overall testosterone levels, which can be done through the use of T-boosters or TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy). This will give you more energy which will result in an improvement of overall health and wellness.

5. Depression

Feeling depressed is not only due to chemical imbalances but can also be linked to low T. Testosterone plays a large role in mood regulation being connected to the maintenance of positive moods and good feelings.

Studies have shown that depressive symptoms are at their worst when you experience lower levels of testosterone or if there’s a deficiency altogether which could result in anxiety, irritability, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, loss of appetite, and if it gets worse, thoughts or suicide ideation.

Treatment of depression is achieved by treating the root cause which is often low testosterone. Supplementation is one treatment option you can turn to.

6. Memory Loss

This symptom may not be as common as others but studies show that men who experience lower T levels had an increased risk of memory loss and dementia due to a decrease in neuron growth within the brain.

It is important to test for testosterone because once treatment begins and your T level has been restored you’ll feel more alert, have better focus, and have increased cognitive function overall. All those things will lead to an improvement in memory retention and recall.

7. High Blood Pressure

A study completed at the Boston University School of Medicine suggests that a lack of testosterone might be associated with increased risk of high blood pressure.

This study shows that having lower levels of T puts you at a greater risk for hypertension, so because you have less free testosterone in your system, it’s easier for insulin to create resistance which increases your chances of developing type two diabetes.

The best way to combat this is by increasing your overall testosterone levels through supplementation or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

8. Loss of Muscle Mass

Men who experience lower T levels will suffer from loss of muscle mass as well as gains in fat tissue. This is due to the fact that testosterone plays an important role in protein synthesis which is needed for lean muscle development.

Without this chemical compound, it’s not possible to develop an increase in muscle mass, which is why, if you’re experiencing low T levels, you’ll likely notice a decline in overall strength and endurance related to muscle mass.

What do you think about the topic of “low T”, and what do you think the best remedies are? Let us know in the comments below, and join in the conversation on FacebookTwitter, & Instagram!

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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