5 Sports to Keep Teenagers Active this Summer

Summer is the perfect time for teenagers to have fun and stay fit and healthy. One of the best ways to do this is by engaging in various sports that keep the mind and body active.

Read on for 5 sports teenagers should try for an active summer that keeps them fit, socialized, and away from a sedentary lifestyle.

1. Swimming

Swimming is an excellent sport for teenagers during the summer season. It combines cardiovascular exercise with the pleasure of cooling off in the water. Swimming works the whole body, enhances lung capacity, and builds endurance and muscle strength. Moreover, it is an impressive calorie burner that contributes to weight management. 

Teenagers can join local swimming clubs or community pools that offer lessons and dedicated hours for practice to get started in swimming. They should also get the gear beginner swimmers need, such as goggles and swim caps.

2. Badminton

Badminton, the second biggest sport in the world, is another dynamic game that teenagers can enjoy during the summer months. 

This activity improves hand-eye coordination, increases agility, and builds up cardiovascular endurance. Learning the basics of serving, footwork, and racket techniques is easy. And joining local badminton clubs or playing with friends in the park can be a fabulous way to socialize and enjoy the outdoors. Remember to always warm up before playing to avoid injuries!

3. Soccer

Soccer is another excellent choice for an active summer. This sport teaches teamwork and sportsmanship and helps develop coordination and endurance. 

Soccer gives a full-body workout that helps with aerobic capacity and cardiovascular health whilst building lower-body strength. Teenagers can join local teams, attend soccer camps, or gather a group of friends for casual games in their local park or recreation center to get started in soccer.

4. Baseball

Finally, baseball is a classic summer activity that teenagers have treasured for generations. This sport is among the low-cost team sports everyone should try because it helps develop hand-eye coordination, arm strength, and discipline. 

Baseball is a fantastic way to bond with friends, enjoy the outdoors, and create lasting memories during summer vacation. Teenagers can join local baseball teams or simply pick up a bat, ball, and glove and invite friends to a casual game to get started.

5. Lacrosse

In addition to the four sports mentioned, lacrosse is another sport that teenagers would surely love. Aside from good physical benefits it also develops their character. Lacrosse Balls Direct has the right lacrosse equipment for you to start with this sport.

Teenagers should try these sports to enjoy an active summer and take care of their physical and mental well-being.

Encourage your teen to give swimming, badminton, soccer, or baseball a try to see how it can positively impact their life this summer. And who knows—they might even discover a new lifelong passion!

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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