3 Hot Nutrition Trends for 2024!

Post-pandemic, the world of nutrition trends has undergone a well needed revamp. It seems that, as consumers, we have collectively rebuffed fad dieting and calorie counting monotony to welcome a new definition for nutrition.

Health experts and nutritionists are now promoting nutrition as a nifty tool to reach optimal health for all ages. But with the speedy collapse of our climate and the cost-of-living crisis, new worldly priorities are leading to new trends.

But how is this being done, and how is AI contributing to the global advancement of the nutrition industry? Below are our three hot nutrition trends to look out for in 2024!

Tailored Supplements

The public’s ceaseless fascination with supplements is pretty hard to ignore.

Revenue in the UK for the vitamins and minerals market is projected to reach £251.3m in 2024 (statista). This enormous industry bears a huge consumer base of vegetarians, muscle builders and people with nutrition deficiencies.

Since lockdown, the public desire for store-to-door services is very much alive. We have bared witness to the surge in the nutrition trends of personalised services within the fashion, beauty and fitness industries. This infectious increase has the supplement industry now hungry for a taste of the tailoring.

Companies such as VITL and Nourished have begun globally personalising supplements via health quizzes, DNA tests, and AI technology. Companies are offering convenient, personalised packages and monthly plans for their customers.

Supplements come in pill, powder and liquid forms, depending on the consumer’s preference. From hormonal balancing to anxiety reduction, the supplement industry is offering over-the-counter solutions to our everyday problems. This techy trend has taken over supplementation as we know it, and will continue to lucratively thrive in 2024.

Personalised Precision Nutrition

AI technology is making many exciting breakthroughs, ones that make the lives of consumers that little bit easier. Precision nutrition is an emerging concept that offers an AI powered, digital nutrition coach with the ability to construct personalised nutrition plans.

This phenomenon was made possible by advancing genomics – a field of biology that studies genes and genetic environmental interactions. Metabolic requirements are now more easily devised, and can be conveniently programmed into newer software.

Consumers are provided with meal recommendations, goals and macronutrient requirements via the completion of a brief health quiz. This service is fully tailored to the customer, free from in-person consults and social interaction.

Precision nutrition provides a convenient, personalised service for all things food – and offers a cheat for the former chore of meal planning. This concept reached the world of nutrition after the launch of The Precision Medicine Initiative in 2015 that offered their customers personalised medicinal solutions.

Post-pandemic, many of us still search for store-to-door alternatives to substitute the day-to-day mundane tasks. With the popularity of home deliveries from take-out to fashion, nutrition appears next in line on the public radar. This trend could see the end of in-person advisory, and a shift towards digital and AI oriented nutrition.

Holistic Food to Promote Longevity

Holistic health has seized the attention of Gen Z, who are primarily seeking diets that lead to environmental and physical longevity. Health fanatics are constantly searching for the ‘perfect’ diet that keeps them looking good whilst feeling good.

Holistic health redefines nutrition trends, and wellness as a formation of rituals that spans far greater confines than just exercise and nutrition. Holistic living covers many physical, spiritual and psychological territories, and functions to promote lifelong healing.

Nutrition is one of the many tools one can use to nurture longevity, particularly with the consumption of nutrient dense foods consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Social media health creators Eddie Abbew and Jenn Lueke advocate for this ‘whole’ way of living. These creators reject sugary and highly processed foods, and motivate their audiences to make healthier dietary choices.

From the nutrition trends: blue zone to paleo, diets rich in raw, whole foods have been shown to prevent 80% of chronic diseases that are often developed in later life: European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition–Potsdam study.

It’s difficult to pinpoint the origin of holistic nutrition, considering western herbalism originated in ancient Greece and Rome hundreds of years ago.

Whole food dieters have noted a dramatic increase in energy levels, mood and a boost in their physical ability. If you wish to rig the benefits of a holistic diet, look no further than Instagram and TikTok for meal inspiration and cooking tips.

There are many exciting progressions to look forward to in the nutrition industry this year. With the influx of trends like holistic living, AI and nutrigenomic discoveries, the possibilities are actually pretty endless!

With a blast from the past in our return to the Mediterranean diet and a forward to the future of advancing technology, these three trends combine convenience and personalisation – making every consumer’s needs a priority.

Jasmine Panayiotou

Jasmine Panayiotou is a freelance journalist that specialises in nutrition, health and wellness related content. As a journalism student and a nutritional advisor, Jasmine's certified knowledge spans a wide array of topics that free her from journalistic limitations. Among her sought-after topics are healthy baking, the mind-gut connection and mindset management. Outside of her work and studies, Jasmine can be found training at her local gym, or at home trialling new healthy recipes for her audience.

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