Soursop: Top 5 Health Benefits

Do you enjoy eating strawberries and like the tropical taste of pineapples? Assuredly you've eaten strawberries and pineapples as part of a fruit salad! It has been said that when you consume soursop, you are eating the wonders of both pineapples and strawberries simultaneously, albeit with a ...

Pomelo: Top 5 Health Benefits

Native to Southeast Asia, Pomelo is the biggest of all citrus fruits. It’s the least acidic of all citrus fruits and does not taste as sour as others. Never tried one before? Why not grab yourself one and enjoy what it has to offer? It comes in several different varieties which are all larger than ...

Asparagus: Top 5 Health Benefits

Scientifically known by the name asparagus officinalis, the vegetable dates back to at least 3000 BC and has been seen captured as a blessing or benefaction on Egyptian frieze (or wall art). It is thought that asparagus was freshly consumed by the Romans and Greeks during the seasonal period and ...

Baru Seeds: Top 5 Health Benefits

Baru (or Dipteryx alata) is a species of the Fabaceae legume family. The tree is referred to as the “Baruzeiro” (in Portuguese) and its produce “castanha de baru” (literally baru nut) or “amêndoa de baru” (baru almond). We find the Baru tree in the Cerrado savanna, an area in midwest Brazil (the ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Coffee Fruit Extract

If, like me you think that your morning coffee wakes up your brain, well you'd be right, but wait, there's more! Our daily coffee beans that provide us our morning, full-bodied brew with its array of antioxidants, might possess more health benefits than we'd previously thought. Often overlooked, is ...

8 Colourful Superfood Lattes You Should Try!

What’s the deal with the colourful lattes we’re seeing at all our favourite coffee shops? Is it seriously ok to drink such bright, almost fluorescent concoctions? The answer is yes. Rich in nutritional value, these botanical lattes can provide a healthy jump start to your day. Great for a sweet ...

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