Top 5 Yoga Poses For a Powerful Core!

Ever wondered how yogis balance themselves in crazy positions? No it’s not that they possess super powers, it’s that they have super strong abdominals! Having strong and toned abs is important to a lot of us. Not only does a strong core look great but it supports our physical body in so many ways. ...

4 Step Easy Yoga Routine!

For years I made excuses about having no time for yoga. Yeah sure, I’d love an hour a day to shut myself away and flow and stuff but in reality tasks get in the way. Work, kids, life - it all takes time and before we know it another day has passed and we’re comatosed on the sofa at 9.30pm. If you ...

5 Top Reasons To Keep up Your Yoga Practice!

I practice yoga daily, it’s a choice I made a while ago, it’s my one non-negotiable every day.  It’s my chance to shut everything else out and to be present on my mat. I’m often asked why I practice yoga over other sports and activities so what follows are my 5 Top Reasons To Keep up Your Yoga ...


Title: PiYo Creator: Chalene Johnson Year: 2014 Publisher: Beachbody Synopsis: PiYo is a fusion of powerful Pilates- and Yoga inspired moves with an amped-up pace, for serious fat burning cardio, strengthening, and lengthening – all in one! Now, in just 60 days, you can get the intense ...

Top 5 Yoga Poses For Cyclists!

With the combination of the summer season and the Rio Olympics, more and more people are getting on their bikes and taking up cycling for fitness. Cycling provides a fantastic cardio workout but it does come with a couple of drawbacks one of which is possibly making your hamstrings and hip flexors ...

Brighton Yoga Festival 2016!

Summer is here and this means of course, more festivals! You may not typically associate ‘yoga’ with festivals but in fact there are numerous yoga fests lined-up around the UK this summer and they’re pretty bustling...Read on for now about the Brighton Yoga Festival 2016! On Saturday 23rd July, ...

Top 5 Reasons to Practice Inversions!

Apart from making a great photo on Instagram, practicing inversions has many amazing benefits on your body and mind. An inversion is basically any pose where the head is below the heart, so you don’t need to be able to kick up into handstand to achieve this.  More gentle inversions include downward ...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Yoga

It’s a growing trend that everyone’s talking about and doesn't seem it's going to disappear anytime soon! With so many different styles to explore: Bikram, Ashtanga, Sivananda….it’s no wonder that yoga is becoming increasingly popular. But what about the health benefits of yoga? Here’s a list of ...

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