Vegetarian to Vegan: 5 Simple Steps!

The first steps into veganism can be the most daunting and challenging! A vegan diet can have many different advantages and has been said to help many conditions and illnesses. This is why more and more people today are making the transition. So have you had thoughts about changing to a vegan ...

“YES”-Food: A Focus on WHAT TO EAT!

I have a feeling that we as a society are so focused on what not to eat, instead of highlighting what to eat. I believe it’s important to rid your mind of all the “don’ts” and start searching for the “do’s”. Even though there are things that you probably shouldn’t eat, there are plenty of things ...

Top 5 Super Cheap High-Fibre Vegetables!

Want a healthy gut? Increase your fibre! Fibre is something the body needs but never actually digests – in fact, it remains in pretty much the same state as on your plate! Dietary fibre has many health benefits, reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, helping with weight ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre!

Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and one that is often overlooked. There are two categories of fibre: soluble and insoluble, and both are only found in plant foods. Soluble fibre blends with water and turns into a gel-like substance that can be digested by the body whereas insoluble ...

5 Top Vegan Pizzas!

As veganism is exploding in popularity, so are an abundance of fun and delicious vegan re-creations of the nation’s favourite foods, even pizza! Vegan pizza is a healthier twist on the classic meat and dairy loaded dish, boasting half the calories but double the fun, nutrition and flavour...Who’s ...

Top 5 Raw Vegan Sauce Recipes!

Raw fruit and vegetables typically have a high nutritional content which is significantly reduced when cooked. This is particularly true for vitamins B and C which are important in maintaining a healthy immune system, keeping up energy levels and preventing disease. Try one of the following Top 5 ...

What is a Superfood?

We’ve all heard the word superfood thrown around a little too much in the media to describe foods that are particularly healthy for us but what is a Superfood? Could not what supposedly makes them healthier than other foods just be a lot of hype? There is no actual legal or medical definition ...

Top 10 Best Smoothies!

Smoothies are amazing if you're in a rush or want to take a healthy snack with you on-the-go.  You can make them before you go to bed and have them for breakfast or make them within a couple of minutes before you rush out the door to your gym session. There are so many recipes out there so ...

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