5 Top Reasons To Quit Refined Sugar!

Sugar. It’s in everything. Most people are addicted without realising it and its addictive effect on the brain has been scientifically proven to be more powerful than cocaine and let’s face it…being addicted to anything isn’t good, especially when you’re not aware that you are. To avoid sugar ...

5 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss has Stopped!

You’ve been losing weight and feeling great about yourself. The pounds have been dropping off and all of a sudden you don’t see any more change in your appearance for weeks or even months! It’s such a daunting feeling when the scales don’t move anymore and you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Don’t ...

Nutritional Grail

Title: Nutritional Grail Author: Christopher James Clark Year: 2014 Publisher: Extropy Publishing Synopsis: As a chef who specialises in the healing properties of food, Christopher James Clark has written “Nutritional Grail” as a way to show people how to be self-dependent and think ...

5 Health Foods That Are Bad For You!

From low sugar to low carb alternatives our supermarkets are full of seemingly healthy products that are supposed to be better for us. However, many of them are actually contributing to the rise of type 2 diabetes, obesity and many other illnesses thanks to their hidden sugar content. Read up on ...

5 Ways to Identify a Sugar Addiction!

It’s one o'clock in the morning and you can’t seem to dispose of that repetitive thought of having a chocolate digestive right before bed. No matter how hard you try, the satisfaction of having that treat is constantly there like a scratch you just can’t reach. Why do you need this biscuit so bad? ...

Top 5 Ways to Curb your Sugar Cravings!

We’re always seeing endless amounts of information and news stories about how sugar is making the nation obese, but how can we actually try to stop it? With snacks like cookies, chocolate and brownies everywhere we turn it can prove difficult not to give into the sweet temptation!  Well look no ...

Top 10 Post-Workout Meals

Now we come to our Top 10 Post-Workout Meals. From our previous post you’ll know that having a snack rather than a meal before your workout is ideal. So you probably gather that after your workout you really need to re-fuel your body’s depleted energy stores and have a full on meal!  Aim to have ...

How sugar affects your mental wellbeing

Most of us aren't happy with the way we look. Most of the time we look in the mirror wishing we were thinner but we find it impossible to cut out junk food and sugar that we know is contributing to our body’s issues. Sugar is one of the biggest health problems the world has ever seen but like ...

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