3 Ways to Break Out of a Workout Plateau

Your workouts produced great results, but now you’ve hit a wall and aren’t progressing. Don’t give up. Try these tips for breaking out of a workout plateau! When your body adjusts to your workouts, and you no longer see gains, you’ve reached a workout plateau. Whether you’ve been working out to ...

5 Ways to Keep Active while Injured

It’s your worst nightmare: just when you’re seeing results, getting stronger or running faster – and Bam! You get injured. You’re out of action and need to rest and recuperate. Injury can feel like the end of the world and makes it seem like all your hard work wasn’t worth anything and that your ...

Top 5 Chin-Up Hacks!

The chin-up is an extremely challenging exercise which can bring impressive improvements quickly. It purposefully requires you to use a number of muscle groups, resulting in a powerful contraction of explosive energy to lift you above the bar. From strengthening your biceps to aiding flexibility ...

5 Top Hip Flexor Stretches!

Tight hip flexors are a common problem, especially if you're spending a lot of time in a seated position. When seated, your hip flexor muscles are in a shortened position which leads to them becoming tight and can result in lower back pain, hip pain and injury. Hip strength will increase when you ...

Top 5 Reasons To Stretch Your Hamstrings!

The hamstrings play a crucial role in many daily activities such as, running, jumping, walking and cycling. They are a commonly injured muscle group, particularly amongst sports people, but what many people don’t realise is that poor strength and flexibility in the hamstrings is a common underlying ...

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