We all have day jobs, or we are stay-at-home parents and we just don't have the time to focus on our health. Usually, we do not have the time because we have not made the time or have not realized how important it is to have good health. You must find the motivation to get into the gym and ...
READ MORE +A health insurance policy covers health costs incurred as a result of accidents, illness, or injury. A person can use this policy for a certain duration against monthly or annual premium payments. If an insured person meets with an accident or is diagnosed with a severe illness within this period, ...
READ MORE +To be able to stretch is imperative to help you mitigate the chances of injury, or pain. Flexibility is a key benefit of stretching, but there are numerous other reasons to stretch, especially just before a workout. Even if you're just going for a quick walk during your lunch break at work, (which ...
READ MORE +Living increasingly busy lives often means getting out to the gym and exercising can present something of a dilemma more especially when you've paid for a membership that you rarely make use of. Despair not! you can actually do a lot to negate those missed sessions - doing simple exercises at your ...
READ MORE +Himalayan salt lamps are known as 'natural ionizers', as they alter the electrical charge of the circulating air. An authentic Himalayan salt lamp should derive from the Khewra salt mines in Pakistan. Said to be millions of years old, this salt possess a warming pink colour due to the minerals ...