Top 5 Benefits of Eating Superfoods!

Today, everyone seems to be focused on eating their way to a healthy life; by now, we're mostly aware of the importance your nutrition has on your body. But with our fast-paced society, it can be difficult to eat a wide variety of food. By including known superfoods in your diet, you can get a more ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Okra!

Okra, sometimes referred to as ochro, ("ladies' fingers" in the UK and other English-speaking countries , "bhindi" in India etc) is a flowering plant found in warm and balmy climates across the globe. The plant produces long green pods covered in a fine fuzz, these pods contain small edible seeds, ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pistachio Nuts!

The pistachio tree is a small flowering plant which originates mainly from Central Asia. The fruit of the pistachio tree contains a small oval-shaped seed; pistachio nuts, commonly sold in supermarkets and heath food stores. The trees used for commercial harvest are planted in large orchards and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Baobab!

The delightfully otherworldly-looking African Baobab tree is the source of the white powdery baobab fruit, which has been bestowed 'superfood' status for its host of nutritional advantages. Growing to the size of an average coconut and weighting over a kilogram, the baobab fruit is one of the most ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Garlic!

Not just for warding off vampires and giving us (ahem) powerful breath, garlic has been used for generations as a medicine with the first recorded use dating back to the Ancient Egyptians. Fast forward into the 21st century and it's still as popular as ever. Read on to discover the Top 5 Health ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Rambutan!

The sharp and hairy appearance of the Malay-Indonesian and Southeast Asian originated Rambutan might make it look like an aggressive lychee imposter, but this exotic fruit has a unique health benefit profile. The Nephelium lappaceum, (Latin) comes from the Sapindaceae family of flowering plants, ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Flavonoids!

Flavonoids, compounds found in a variety of plant-based foods and one of the main phytochemicals found in the cocoa bean, can enhance the quality of your diet and overall well-being. 'Flavonoids' is an umbrella term, whereas cocoa beans are rich in flavanols, cocoa specific flavonoids. There are a ...

Top 5 Benefits of Moringa!

Moringa is the latest up and coming natural supplement that is sourced from the Drumstick tree (often nicknamed the horseradish tree). This tree grows mainly in India (in the ancient Ayurveda tradition of healthcare it says that the moringa plant offers remedies for 300 different conditions) and ...

Top 5 Benefits of Dark Chocolate!

If you’re a chocolate fan (I mean, who isn’t?) then swapping your usual fix for the dark version would be one of the better things you do for your health so here we list Top 5 Benefits of Dark Chocolate! Dark chocolate is pretty underrated. They do contain however a heap of health benefits that the ...

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