Top 5 Chin-Up Hacks!

The chin-up is an extremely challenging exercise which can bring impressive improvements quickly. It purposefully requires you to use a number of muscle groups, resulting in a powerful contraction of explosive energy to lift you above the bar. From strengthening your biceps to aiding flexibility ...

5 Top Hip Flexor Stretches!

Tight hip flexors are a common problem, especially if you're spending a lot of time in a seated position. When seated, your hip flexor muscles are in a shortened position which leads to them becoming tight and can result in lower back pain, hip pain and injury. Hip strength will increase when you ...

Top 5 Hamstring Stretches!

Developing the hamstrings should be a major part of any well-rounded training or health program. A combination of strength and flexibility training is ideal for improving this often neglected area of the body. There is a wide range of different exercises involving dynamic and static stretching but ...

Top 5 Reasons To Stretch Your Hamstrings!

The hamstrings play a crucial role in many daily activities such as, running, jumping, walking and cycling. They are a commonly injured muscle group, particularly amongst sports people, but what many people don’t realise is that poor strength and flexibility in the hamstrings is a common underlying ...

Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Lung Capacity!

Lung capacity is the maximum amount of oxygen your body is able to use and research indicates that this is the best predictor of overall health and longevity. Improving your lung capacity can greatly reduce the risk of serious health problems such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes and also ...

Top 5 Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga!

If you're desperately looking for a new form of yoga to practice, then look no further than Vinyasa yoga. The word 'Vinyasa' translates (from the Sanskrit terms vi "in a special way" + nyasa, which means "to place") as 'arranging something in a special way' which is exactly what you'll be doing ...

Top 5 Benefits of Bikram Yoga!

Most of you will have done yoga but only a few of you will have turned the intensity up a notch and given Bikram yoga a go. Bikram refers to the founder of the practice 'Bikram Choudhury' a yoga guru from India and involves 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in a room heated to 42 degrees with ...

Top 5 Benefits of Pilates!

Pilates is a form of exercise that was originally developed in the early 1900's by Joseph Hubertus Pilates (born: 9th December, 1883 in Mönchengladbach, Germany), with the aim of helping the body to gain strength and flexibility. Joseph was a self-defence instructor during World War I, and he ...

Top 5 Benefits of Daily Back Bends!

Most of us this summer will have seen the beautiful Instagram pictures of stretchy people doing back bends in front of sun sets. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this practise, back bends usually involve lying on your back, stomach or knees, with the spine lengthening and stretching as you ...

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