If you don’t work in the mental health profession, you may not know what the so-called “cluster B” personality disorders are. However, it’s highly likely you have encountered someone at one time or another who has one. These disorders are relatively common. We will look at four of the cluster B ...
READ MORE +Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder became an officially recognized condition about 60 years ago. Since that time, it has become increasingly common. On last report, nearly 10 percent of children are diagnosed with ADHD, which is an increase of more than 7 percent just over the last 30 years. ...
READ MORE +Most men avoid therapy because most therapy approaches are not designed to help the male brain deal with pain or to find solutions. That makes men believe therapy is worthless. Follow on for Men’s Mental Health: Is It Going From Bad to Worse? "Men's depression is usually based on feeling helpless, ...
READ MORE +The American ultramarathoner, Courtney Dauwalter is known as one of the most respected endurance athletes in the world. She has competed in multiple ultramarathon races, often 100 miles and over. This elite athlete fell in love with running while racing 'the mile' in elementary school. Despite ...
READ MORE +“Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself.” -Ed Mylett. A top business leader, entrepreneur, performance expert, global speaker, and best-selling author, Ed Mylett is someone we should all be talking about; his wisdom and life experience is helping millions of people around the globe. ...
READ MORE +The "Bruce Lee of Breath", Dan Brulé, explains the advantages of his breath therapy which he has developed through 40 years of practice and research. Dan Brulé’s wealth of knowledge has enabled him to assist international motivational speaker Tony Robbins and grow into his most influential ...
READ MORE +The COVID-19 pandemic may have caused numerous changes in your life, this infectious virus has produced a number of psychiatric and mental illnesses in addition to raising worries about public health. When the condition is uncertain, your daily routines are disrupted and you're confronted with ...
READ MORE +Have you ever noticed that you are more likely to snap at everyone around you when your stomach begins to grumble? This instant, irrational temper is defined as ‘hanger’. If you thought this slang term was unrelated to fact, think again! Read on for what the experts say in Science Claims: Being ...
READ MORE +Eating less meat is always a great thing to do and has many benefits ranging from medical and ethical to environmental. But what if you already eat less meat and are currently on a pescatarian diet and want to go full on into the meatless realm? You’re already half-way there so what’s stopping you? ...
READ MORE +With yoga having existed for thousands of years, it's well known to offer an almost endless host of benefits. It's a great way to weave in an altogether healthier lifestyle and better way of living. It can be a total mind and body workout that improves physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental ...