Search results for: Exercise
Top 5 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds!

We often get pumpkins at Halloween and carve scary faces into them and nine times out of ten, we discard the seeds -next time think again as there are many health and well-being advantages to eating them. Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fats and are a fantastic substitute for meat for those ...

5 Keys To Rapid Recovery when Injured!

Everyone knows that when exercising there’s always a risk of injury. When hard training regularly, it’s almost an inevitable thing, I’ve been there! It doesn’t matter if it’s a fractured or broken bone or a sprained ankle, it always stings the ego to be stuck and housebound while convalescing. Is ...

4 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights!

“Lifting weights will make me manly!”...yawn...A phrase I have heard one too many times before. This is a common misconception held by many young girls and women, typically those who spend hours in the gym, running on treadmills day in, day out, desperately trying to change the shape of their body. ...

New Year, New You!

So we’re already 21 days, or 3 weeks into 2017, so how is it going for you? As we all know, this is the time where we begin to see how feasible our excitedly made New Year’s resolutions and promises to ourselves to make this year the greatest, actually are! Many decide to start living healthier, ...

5 Top Reasons To Smash Your Scales in 2017!

Scales were first invented to define the worth of something, as goods were sold in exchange for money based on the weight of the item and so we determined the value of the product. Many women and men have an attachment to their scales, whether they weigh every week, every day or several times a ...

Bodybuilding Legends – Steve Reeves

Curiously enough many people still ask how tall was Steve Reeves? Well he stood 6' 1" (1.85m) tall with a massive 52 inch chest, powerful 18 inch arms and a tiny 29 inch waist, you can see why Steve Reeves, aka White Warrior, was one of the greatest bodybuilders to walk this earth. Very wide ...

Top 5 Benefits of Stretching!

When exercising, and working out, you might be tempted to forget a very important step (myself included) and that’s stretching. What’s great about stretching is that it’s not only beneficial to our limbs and joints, but it also has a huge impact on our mental well-being. If you’re still debating ...

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