Search results for: superfood
Top 5 Vegan Protein Shakes!

The incorporation of a protein supplement before or after training muscles can assist with energy boosting, fat loss, muscle repair, muscle maintenance and muscle growth, in short helping you to achieve your goals faster. Here we'll be talking about such supplements that are organic and 'free from' ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Avocado!

At Keep Fit King-dom, I am the avocado queen therefore I’d like to discuss why it's such a wondrous thing. Not only does it taste heavenly, it possesses many nutritional and health benefits - a delicious blend that appeals to almost everyone. Here, I've compiled a list of the Top 5 Health Benefits ...

Dulse ‘Bacon’ Seaweed

When we first got the lowdown on what’s been found under the sea we all thought we had sand in our ears but it’s true! The latest bacon replacement is a strain of seaweed called Dulse that according to scientists at Oregon State University has double the nutritional value of kale, is overflowing ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts!

Despite what the name may imply, tiger nuts are actually small tubers, not nuts.  They are an ancient 'superfood' and were first recognised as having incredible nutritional and health benefits some 4000 years ago.  Tiger nuts have been used by the ancient Egyptians who recognised their healing ...

Top 5 Benefits of Kale!

It’s still becoming more and more popular everyday, kale is the ‘new’ leafy alternative to spinach, cabbage or chard. It’s a member of the cabbage family and is available in different types, green or purple in colour and smooth or curly in shape. Low in calories but considered one of the most ...

5 Top Vegan Pizzas!

As veganism is exploding in popularity, so are an abundance of fun and delicious vegan re-creations of the nation’s favourite foods, even pizza! Vegan pizza is a healthier twist on the classic meat and dairy loaded dish, boasting half the calories but double the fun, nutrition and flavour...Who’s ...

Top 5 Vegan Sweet Treats!

You can still be super unhealthy as a vegan as there are still lots of sugary snacks out there, mass processed stuff. If you’re interested in being a healthy vegan but still like a sweet treat every now and then, why not try some of our favourite recipes? Enter our Top 5 Vegan Sweet Treats! 1) ...

Pure Recharge Smoothies

Pure Recharge was born out of making fruit and vegetable smoothies to support personal sports training and looking into news ways of maintaining a healthy diet. The company produce homemade smoothies and porridge from fresh natural ingredients to provide people with healthy, natural and convenient ...

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