Search results for: CLINICAL
Interview with Janet Thomson

Janet Thomson, author of "The Placebo Diet" has over 25 years’ experience in the field of weight loss and personal development and is firmly established as a leading and innovative expert. She has an MSc in Nutrition and Exercise Science, combined with therapeutic experience in Clinical ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tempeh!

It might be because I've just gotten back from a short trip to Asia that I'm now, totally into all sorts of soyabean food! Tempeh or Tempe is a traditional soybean-made Indonesian food (probably originated from Java) that has been fermented and pressed into cake form. It's considered to be the only ...

Should You Eat Eggshells?

Have you ever wondered whether you could eat the shells of eggs or reuse them instead of throwing them in the bin? We all undoubtedly know what an eggshell looks like but do we actually know what it's made of? Eggshells mainly consist of calcium carbonate (95%, 40% of which is absorbable by the ...

Top 5 Benefits of Acupuncture

It may sound absurd to some that inserting fine needles at specific points in your body can actually have therapeutic effects for a range of diseases and conditions. Nonetheless, this ancient Chinese medical technique continues to withstand the test of time, having proven its clinical efficacy ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Krill Oil!

Krill, in Norwegian, translates to “whale food”. Krill oil is made from krill; tiny shrimp-like crustaceans and a favourite food of whales, penguins and manta rays. Oil is extracted from the krill, put into capsules and taken as a food supplement. Some krill products are specified as using ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Sage!

Sage, known as Salvia Officinalis native to the Mediterranean area, has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes for centuries and its properties made it a popular remedy throughout history and across different cultures (Middle-east, Asia, and Europe). During the middle-ages, Emperor ...

What’s The Fuss About CBD Oil?

Society is assuredly moving towards being more health-conscious than ever as evidenced by the huge interest in natural health options. We are more concerned about the food we eat and any hormones or chemicals that may be present, hence the greater emphasis on ‘clean’ eating.  There is also a shift ...

Acten: Hydroidan Pro Joint Formula

So far, we have covered a number of muscular and joint therapies and tools that can be added to your arsenal in order to help you get back to your best, recover effectively and commence functioning optimally in terms of physical performance. Although all of these nifty pieces of equipment play a ...

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