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Weight Loss: 3 Tips to Help You Get Started

Year after year, losing weight is among the top New Year’s resolutions, but while so many people mark it at the top of their to-do list, few actually make it a priority — and you can’t blame them! Getting back on track with your health is a tough mountain to climb, especially if you’re coming back ...

Mental Health: 3 Ways Nature Can Benefit You

We lead busy lives as people, we work everyday, provide for our families, and spend the majority of our time indoors. Sometimes we might even forget, with all that we have going on, that spending time outside is significant to our health. With the growth of social media and technology these days, ...

Top 4 Health Benefits of Oranges

Summer's here again, time to fill that glass jug with iced, zesty orange juice! Sweet oranges are renowned for their authentic sweetness and although there is much debate about their hybrid origins, oranges are generally considered to be a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo. Although, oranges are ...

Spelt: Top 5 Health Benefits

Spelt is a food that you might not be that familiar with, unless you're a keen foodie or superfood fanatic. But while it might not be the most common household name, it isn’t exactly anything new either - spelt has been around since 5000 BC. Also known as dinkel wheat, or hulled wheat, spelt is ...

Vitamin D: 5 Great Vegetarian Sources

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and maintain adequate concentrations of magnesium and phosphate; three important nutrients for teeth, muscles and bones. It also helps control the exchange of calcium between the bones and the blood. Low levels of the vitamin ...

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