Search results for: diet
Top 3 Ways To Melt Fat Just Through Your Diet!

I’m always reading different things on the internet about how to lose fat, and they’re forever contradicting anything you thought you knew. For those who aren’t too clued up but want to get lean, it must be pretty confusing! So I’ve compiled a list of how to eat in order to burn those unwelcome ...

Top 5 Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet!

Similar to the Atkins or low carb diet, the ketogenic diet can be defined as one containing very low amounts of carbohydrates with high amounts of fat. Whilst the idea of a high-fat diet may sound incredibly strange, there's actually a good rationale behind it. By reducing carbohydrate intake ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre!

Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and one that is often overlooked. There are two categories of fibre: soluble and insoluble, and both are only found in plant foods. Soluble fibre blends with water and turns into a gel-like substance that can be digested by the body whereas insoluble ...

Top 5 Ways to Start a Sustainable Diet!

Nowadays following a diet that is more plant-based and focused on reducing consumption of animal products is a topic at the centre of attention. Accumulating evidence suggests that the benefits are far reaching, encompassing environmental, ethical and keep fit health benefits. For that reason, ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet!

The term 'gluten-free' has been a buzzword for awhile now amongst health and nutrition enthusiasts. Previously, the most common reason to adopt a gluten-free diet was due to celiac disease, but people are becoming increasingly conscious of the reported health benefits of a reduced gluten intake. ...

Top 3 Vegan Diet Criticisms Solved!

Having a positive mindset is the first step to an amazing 2017.  How about adopting the same sassy attitude that the avocado had 12 months ago: I am going to own this year! The 'avocado boom' represents a shift in the public’s perception of health and wellbeing. We know that our bodies deserve ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet!

While many choose veganism for ethical reasons, it's time to acknowledge the major health benefits that come along with following a vegan diet. Read on to discover why plant-based or vegan diets are well worth trying as we go into the Top 5 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet! 1. A healthy heart ...

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