Search results for: vegan
Top 5 Health Benefits of Watercress!

OK, so they might just look like bits of grass, however they are actually superfoods with a high nutritional value and have various benefits and uses. Curious to know why? Then read on to discover the Top 5 Health Benefits of Watercress! 1. Bone health: Watercress has a high calcium content ...

Interview with Sonny Webster

Many athletes dream of competing in the Olympic Games. This dream became a reality in 2016 for talented British weightlifter Sonny Webster. Only 23 years old, this determined athlete already has plenty of experience behind him and certainly has a successful future ahead of him. Read and enjoy as ...

Pacari – Chocolate

Pacari Chocolate is an Ecuadorian family-owned company which aims to make the highest quality fine flavour chocolate in the world -and who doesn’t love dark chocolate, especially when it possesses multiple health benefits? Made from tree to bar in Ecuador, this fair trade, sustainable, socially ...

Ethos – Restaurant

Set in the heart of London’s West End, Ethos restaurant (with their tagline 'Deliciously Different') exploded onto the London restaurant scene in September 2012, fast becoming renowned as one of the capital’s best options for meat-free dining. So when the opportunity arose to take a seat and of ...

Top 5 Benefits of Cooking With Coconut!

Back in ‘the dairy days’, the coconut would only bring one image to mind, one so full of rejection, it would make Mr ‘It’s a no from me’ Simon Cowell, quake in his boots. Yes, I’m talking about the collection of unwanted Bounty bars at the bottom of the Celebration box!  So with the growing range ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds!

We often get pumpkins at Halloween and carve scary faces into them and nine times out of ten, we discard the seeds -next time think again as there are many health and well-being advantages to eating them. Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fats and are a fantastic substitute for meat for those ...

Rude Health – Snack Bars

"Eat right, stay brilliant" is the Rude Health motto who have celebrated their 10th anniversary recently and what they've achieved in those years is pretty outstanding. Starting with creating yummy muesli cereals in their kitchen to now creating exciting and innovative food products such as the ...

4 Healthy Pancake Ideas!

If you're looking to boost your energy levels to prepare for a strenuous day ahead, one of the most important factors to your productivity is a healthy, hearty breakfast. If you view your body as an elite, top-of-the-range sports car, you know that it'll require the best fuel to perform optimally ...

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