Search results for: diabetic
Neem Oil: 5 Great Benefits You Must Know About!

Neem is a tree, native to India that's been used extensively for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It's considered a "wonder tree" since it possesses many active compounds giving it multiple antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and other healing properties. The ...

Iron: 5 Very High-Content Food Sources!

Iron is an extremely important mineral for several metabolic processes in humans. The most commonly known function is oxygen transportation as red blood cells (RBC) need iron to make haemoglobin which is responsible for carrying oxygen and transporting it around the body. The lack of a ...

Heart Disease: 5 Ways Exercise Can Prevent It!

In the UK around 7.6 million people are afflicted with heart and circulatory diseases, with 450 people dying every day as a consequence of these diseases. Therefore, it is really important to do as much as we can to fight this and prevent countless of preventable deaths while at the same time ...

5 Ways to Minimize the Effects of Diabetes!

Diabetes is the 7th most deadly disease affecting over 420 million people globally with numbers sadly on the rise. Its main characteristic is the loss of carbohydrate metabolism function. The most common symptom is high blood glucose which is a consequence of impaired insulin production in the ...

Rice & Beans: Can You Live on Them Alone?

In the cold depths of winter, I enjoy nothing more than curling up on the sofa with a lovely cup of tea and watching Ant and Dec laugh and squirm at all the ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here’ contestants. The celebrities are put through their paces from bizarre mind-challenging tasks such as ...

Camel Milk: 4 Reasons to Give it a Try!

The interest in camel milk is growing due to its health properties, but some people are still understandably averse to the idea of drinking something they deem so unusual. Well I have news for you it’s not new and it’s not unusual, it’s actually been used in Middle Eastern, Asian and North African ...

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