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5 Top Vitamins for Optimum Health!

Do you sometimes get that icky, yucky, unhealthy feeling because you know you could be eating much healthier than you are presently? Not quite sure where to start when it comes to eating right and making sure you get those all important vitamins in?  Well, get your pen and paper ready, because ...

5 Athletes who Smashed it at Rio!

The 2016 Rio Olympics certainly did not disappoint with big performances from the likes of Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt who is the most successful swimmer and track athlete respectively in history. There were also shock performances such as Justin Gatlin's 200m run which ended his quest for a ...

5 Top Foot Pain Prevention Exercises!

Whether you walk, run, cycle, or skateboard or stand about for long periods, taking care of your feet can both ease pain and prevent future injuries. Arthritis UK has stated the two causes of foot pain are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Here are 5 Top Foot Pain Prevention Exercises to ...

5 Top Keys to Choosing A Personal Trainer!

Are you thinking of choosing a Personal Trainer? Not a straightforward task in this multi-billion pound unregulated industry. How do you differentiate the good from the bad, the sufficiently qualified from the inadequate to find the trainer that is right for you? Read on for our 5 Top Keys to ...

5 Awesome Olympic Weightlifter Physiques!

So, the Rio Olympics has recently come and gone! Not sure about you, but watching the weightlifters perform at this elite level must be an inspiration to anyone who loves lifting weights!  Although the performances were phenomenal, it was also fantastic to see the level of physique development ...


Title: PiYo Creator: Chalene Johnson Year: 2014 Publisher: Beachbody Synopsis: PiYo is a fusion of powerful Pilates- and Yoga inspired moves with an amped-up pace, for serious fat burning cardio, strengthening, and lengthening – all in one! Now, in just 60 days, you can get the intense ...

5 Top Supplements for Athletic Performance!

Improved performance for athletes is everything and they’re always looking to find any edge they can get over their fellow athletes; sports supplementation is one of the biggest edges any athlete can have. In this article I am going to list my 5 Top Supplements for Athletic Performance that will ...

Pure Recharge Smoothies

Pure Recharge was born out of making fruit and vegetable smoothies to support personal sports training and looking into news ways of maintaining a healthy diet. The company produce homemade smoothies and porridge from fresh natural ingredients to provide people with healthy, natural and convenient ...

5 Best Ways to Relax your Feet!

Let’s face it, we are almost always on our feet from the moment we get out of bed until the time we shut our eyes! During the day we are either standing, walking or sitting down depending on our job or schedule, sometimes for short or longer periods of time. Now and again your feet deserve a break, ...

Top 5 Yoga Poses For Cyclists!

With the combination of the summer season and the Rio Olympics, more and more people are getting on their bikes and taking up cycling for fitness. Cycling provides a fantastic cardio workout but it does come with a couple of drawbacks one of which is possibly making your hamstrings and hip flexors ...

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