Healing From a Broken Rib: 4 Exercises to Expedite Your Recovery

It’s true that broken bones, while extremely painful, are very much treatable in most instances. However, when it comes to the rib cage, there really isn’t much a medical professional can do in terms of helping the broken rib(s) heal properly. In this case, time heals all wounds- literally.

The good news is, as the broken rib patient, there might be something you can do to ease up the process. Consider the following exercises to speed up your recovery time.

1. Deep Breathing

One of the most basic exercises to give a go after breaking a rib (once your doctor says it’s okay to) is deep breathing. While it doesn’t require too much time or effort, it can make a world of difference in terms of helping you recover faster as it helps clear out any excess mucus from your lungs.

To engage in this exercise, simply fill your lungs slowly with air, holding for 10 seconds, and slowly exhaling. Repeat this process several times every few hours.

2. Chest Stretches

It’s important to work those chest muscles on a regular basis- and even more so after dealing with a broken rib. Chest stretches can do the trick.

We recommend sitting in an upright position to perform this exercise. Lift your arms in 90-degree angles, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for 10 seconds and release. Repeat this several times each session. Perform this exercise a few times throughout each day.

3. Bucket Handle Breathing

This type of breathing exercise can help you get back to a full range of motion in your chest after recovering from a broken rib.

Sitting in an upright position, place your hands on your lower rib cage. Inhale slowly. As you inhale, you should notice that the sides of your rib cage will begin to press into your hands with mild pressure. Hold your inhale for 10 seconds before releasing and repeating up to 10 times per session. Engage a few times throughout the day for the best results.

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing is better known as belly breathing as that’s exactly what it is. Whatever you wish to call it, know that it’s a great post-broken rib exercise.

Put one hand on your stomach and the other on your upper chest. Slowly inhale. Aim to push your stomach into your hand as you breathe inward. Hold your inhale for 10 seconds. As you exhale, make sure to tighten your stomach muscles. Repeat 10 times a few times each day.

Despite your efforts, are you still struggling on your healing journey with a broken rib? Don’t fret! Booking professional orthopedic surgeon specialties might be the next step to take to get the level of recovery you need.


Healing from a broken rib is no walk in the park. While there isn’t really a form of treatment for broken ribs, what one can do to help themselves is engage in certain exercises. This way, you can recover quicker and get over the aftereffects smoothly.

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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