It’s true that broken bones, while extremely painful, are very much treatable in most instances. However, when it comes to the rib cage, there really isn’t much a medical professional can do in terms of helping the broken rib(s) heal properly. In this case, time heals all wounds- literally. The ...
READ MORE +For students of all ages, exam season can be difficult. The often-excessive workload and the pressure to perform well can have a serious negative impact on mental health. During this time, anxiety, tension, and burnout are typical experiences. For this reason, it's important to emphasize self-care ...
READ MORE +The COVID-19 pandemic may have caused numerous changes in your life, this infectious virus has produced a number of psychiatric and mental illnesses in addition to raising worries about public health. When the condition is uncertain, your daily routines are disrupted and you're confronted with ...
READ MORE +Everyone knows that when exercising there’s always a risk of injury. When hard training regularly, it’s almost an inevitable thing, I’ve been there! It doesn’t matter if it’s a fractured or broken bone or a sprained ankle, it always stings the ego to be stuck and housebound while convalescing. Is ...
READ MORE +It’s a growing trend that everyone’s talking about and doesn't seem it's going to disappear anytime soon! With so many different styles to explore: Bikram, Ashtanga, Sivananda….it’s no wonder that yoga is becoming increasingly popular. But what about the health benefits of yoga? Here’s a list of ...