Swiss Harmony – Electrosmog Products

As the use of technology becomes more prevalent, there is a continuous increase in the level of invisible electromagnetic radiation within the air that has been emitted and caused by the signals from wireless devices such as mobile phones as well as electrical mains for example. Like any type of ...

Top 5 Benefits of CrossFit!

CrossFit as you may well know, is becoming increasingly popular in the fitness industry, with participation levels on the increase thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness. CrossFit involves the use of your body as the resistance itself in training, resulting in varied exercises at high intensity ...

Top 5 Benefits of Pilates!

Pilates is a form of exercise that was originally developed in the early 1900's by Joseph Hubertus Pilates (born: 9th December, 1883 in Mönchengladbach, Germany), with the aim of helping the body to gain strength and flexibility. Joseph was a self-defence instructor during World War I, and he ...

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