Top 5 Ways to Reduce Food Waste!

The holidays are an indulgent time of year. However, adopting some sustainable behaviours over the Christmas period can minimise its environmental impact, benefit our health and help save us money. Reducing the amount of waste from our kitchens, for example, is vital. In 2015 alone, the UK threw ...

Top 5 Healthy Coffee Shop Options!

Eating healthily at home is relatively easy, right? However, hectic schedules mean it’s commonplace to grab something from the nearest coffee shop for breakfast or lunch, because, well, it's convenient! Knowing which options are healthy can be a bit of a minefield, so we’ve taken the hassle out it ...

Top 5 Foods to Fight Cold & Flu this Winter!

Every year in the UK, each adult will get between 2 and 4 colds. Although getting enough sleep and exercising can all help combat the common cold, it’s important to be eating the right foods, high in certain nutrients to help your immune system fight against the virus. Immunise yourself with our ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Salmon!

In the search for eternal youth, many people are spending hundreds of pounds on expensive face creams. But what if there was a simple, cheap alternative? From taking care of your organs to nourishing your skin and hair, salmon is an everyday health hero. Put down that jar of gloop and read on for ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Chickpeas!

Chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, belong to the legume family and are among the most easily digested thanks to their thin shell. You probably know that your beloved hummus (or houmous) is made from chickpeas, but did you know that they were used as an alternative to coffee in the 18th century? They've ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre!

Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and one that is often overlooked. There are two categories of fibre: soluble and insoluble, and both are only found in plant foods. Soluble fibre blends with water and turns into a gel-like substance that can be digested by the body whereas insoluble ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pistachio Nuts!

The pistachio tree is a small flowering plant which originates mainly from Central Asia. The fruit of the pistachio tree contains a small oval-shaped seed; pistachio nuts, commonly sold in supermarkets and heath food stores. The trees used for commercial harvest are planted in large orchards and ...

Top 5 Foods to Improve Your Mood!

Tired? Grouchy? Feeling lousy? We’ve all been there! Whilst there are many things that can affect your mood, the food that we eat can have a huge impact on how we feel. Some foods in particular can help to stabilise your mood and promote feelings of happiness by encouraging the release of the happy ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Magnesium!

Lack of magnesium has become one of the main nutrient deficiency concerns present in adults today, so it’s surprising this mineral is so commonly overlooked as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. In recent times a vast amount of research has been done around the benefits of incorporating ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Walnuts!

Produced primarily in china, the walnut is the ‘drupe’ or stone fruit of the walnut tree. A drupe is identified as a fleshy fruit that surrounds a stone or pit containing a seed, the seeds of the walnut fruit are the shelled walnuts that can be purchased from supermarkets. The most common varieties ...

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