Tofu: Top 5 Health Benefits

Tofu is a soy-based food product and a staple for those following a vegan diet. In a similar way to cheese, it is made through the curdling, pressing and cooling of soya milk. Originating from China, legend says it was created by accident over 2,000 years ago. Never tried it before but interested ...

My Veganuary 2020 Experience!

Veganuary has picked up pace over the last couple of years, with almost 400,000 people taking the pledge to stick to a vegan diet for one month in 2020, which is nearly double 2019’s figure. Veganuary is a great way to challenge yourself to be kinder to the environment, animals, and your own body, ...

Protein: 4 Keys to Know How Much You Really Need!

Protein is important for our health due to it being essential for all cells in the body. When working out, you create micro-tears in your muscles, and protein helps repair those tears as it contains amino acids, the building blocks to rebuilding muscle tissue. Want to know how much to take? Read on ...

5 Top Natural Skin Moisturisers!

It's true that proper nourishment is the key to good skin, especially in the depths of winter as cold air tends to strip away essential moisture and nutrients. Dry skin can make you look dull and old so it is absolutely essential to provide your skin hydration so that it looks healthy. But it's not ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dairy-Free Milk!

Over the past 10 years, dairy-free, plant-based milks have gained a lot of interest. They are great alternatives for managing cow milk allergy, lactose intolerance and prevalence of high cholesterol and a potential solution to environmental animal welfare concerns. Plant-based milks are a great ...

Top 5 Soya Health Claims!

Soya and soya products tend to receive a bad rap in the media. Health claims about soya are sometimes over inflated more than necessary and don't paint the full picture. Let’s look at five of the most commonly discussed now in Top 5 Soya Health Claims! 1. Soya is a source of complete protein ...

Juices V Smoothies!

There’s quite a lot of confusion about the difference between juices and smoothies and which is actually better for you. Remember it’s well worth making your own because shop bought ones often aren’t as good for you with many brands still loading them with extra sugar. Homemade juices and smoothies ...

Top 10 Dairy Free Alternatives!

Whether you have an allergy to dairy food or just want to cut down on it to see how it affects your health, there are a surprising amount of products out there that are suitable for you. You don’t need to abandon your favourite foods like cheesecake or chocolate because there’s a dairy free ...

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