5 Top Smith Machine Exercises!

In gyms all around the world the Smith machine (a barbell fixed between steel rails, for vertical or off-vertical plane only movements) is an undervalued and misunderstood piece of equipment, especially when compared to its more revered elder-sibling; the barbell. However with a few minor ...

7 Top Reasons to use Weight Machines!

Opinions about weight machines are very diverse. Some love them and see many benefits of using them. Others almost condemn them and believe they have no place within a training program. In this article, we look at 7 Top Reasons to use Weight Machines to help achieve your goals! 1. Convenience ...

EMS Training Review

Healthy ice cream? Free gym membership? Getting fit whilst having a cuppa? Only in a perfect world right? But we all know a washboard six pack doesn’t merely come from kicking back on the couch, unfortunately in the real world it’s not that easy. However things are changing, read our ...

Top 10 Best Smoothies!

Smoothies are amazing if you're in a rush or want to take a healthy snack with you on-the-go.  You can make them before you go to bed and have them for breakfast or make them within a couple of minutes before you rush out the door to your gym session. There are so many recipes out there so ...

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