Top 5 Benefits of Daily Back Bends!

Most of us this summer will have seen the beautiful Instagram pictures of stretchy people doing back bends in front of sun sets. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this practise, back bends usually involve lying on your back, stomach or knees, with the spine lengthening and stretching as you ...

Top 5 Foods to Improve Your Mood!

Tired? Grouchy? Feeling lousy? We’ve all been there! Whilst there are many things that can affect your mood, the food that we eat can have a huge impact on how we feel. Some foods in particular can help to stabilise your mood and promote feelings of happiness by encouraging the release of the happy ...

5 Top Benefits of Warm Ups and Cool Downs!

We are all told to do at least an hour of exercise a day but did you know that we also need to incorporate two days of strength training? Before you hit those dumbbells, you need to warm up and after you do your exercises, a cool down session should be done. Why is this needed you ask? Read on to ...

Keep Fit Kingdom
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