Title: 91 Day Wonder Abs Author: Frank Zane Year: 2017 Publisher: Zananda Incorporated Review Frank Zane is a name every bodybuilder knows. He's a three time Mr. Olympia (the highest accolade in bodybuilding) winner and has competed against the best of the best during bodybuilding's Golden ...
READ MORE +The ‘core’ is an important group of muscles at the centre of your body (imagine a box surrounding the middle of your body). The specific muscles that make up the core are mainly the rectus abdominis (‘abs’), transverse abdominis (the deepest internal core muscle that wraps around your sides and ...
READ MORE +Doing sit-ups (also referred to as curl ups) has many health benefits and extends much further than helping you maintain a flat stomach and keeping you slender. Sit-ups are regularly confused with crunches and consequently it’s not uncommon for the terms 'crunches' and 'sit-ups' to be used almost ...
READ MORE +Your core is a lot more important than you probably give it credit for, yet it's abs-olutely (sorry, couldn't resist that) key in virtually every movement your physical body performs. It helps give you a solid posture, so you can for example, handle increasing amounts of weight in the gym, it helps ...
READ MORE +The word “Myth” means a misconception or a false idea. I’m pretty sure that, at one point or another, you must have heard the saying “keep doing a lot of ab exercises, crunches and sit-ups if you want visible six pack abs.” You know what? I also did and I fell for that idea. When I ballooned my ...
READ MORE +Want to get fit but don’t have the money to spend on an expensive monthly gym membership? Well don’t panic, because we've got 5 Great Ways to Get Fit on a Budget, fantastic low-cost methods of keeping fit that won’t burn a hole in your pocket! 1. Home workouts With just your own body weight - ...