Total Boxer

Founded in 2012, Total Boxer are the pioneers of 'boutique boxing' incorporating the technical instruction of real boxing training, with high intensity cardio. In a nutshell, Total Boxer “specialise in removing the fear of boxing training and sharing its thrills in a safe and welcoming setting for ...

Say R.I.P to these 5 Outmoded Training Ideas!

If you’ve been training for a while, the likelihood is that you’ve followed a few ridiculous fitness fads or concepts that you’re not too proud of. While the concepts on this list might quite meet that criteria, following them could be what’s stopping you from reaching your full potential,  whether ...

Why Women Should Lift!

In this article, Why Women Should Lift, we make it easy to understand why women need never fear lifting weights ever again! Many women take regularly to the gym with the goal of losing weight or more specifically, losing fat. On a mission to reach their goals, some spend hours repetitively ...

Keep Fit Kingdom