bone health
Mung Beans: Top 5 Health Benefits

Mung beans, also known as Vigna radiata and commonly known simply as mung, or green gram, is a small green legume, the smallest member of the bean family. It resembles a tiny whole bean surrounded by a green husk. Mung beans can be eaten raw, partially, or fully cooked. They may be fermented, dried ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tempeh!

It might be because I've just gotten back from a short trip to Asia that I'm now, totally into all sorts of soyabean food! Tempeh or Tempe is a traditional soybean-made Indonesian food (probably originated from Java) that has been fermented and pressed into cake form. It's considered to be the only ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Capers!

When we talk about capers, we're referring to the flower buds of the Capparis spinosa (caper bush) perennial plant (ie. living longer than 2-years) that are usually salted, pickled and used to garnish and season dishes. Capers are native to the Mediterranean basin. They are produced mainly in ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Natto!

Natto is a Japanese speciality made of fermented soybeans. Legend says that it was discovered a thousand years ago (around 1051 AD) and was studied for the first time in 1894 by Dr. Kikuji Yabe (at the University of Tokyo) referring to it as "vegetable cheese". In 1980 the nattokinase enzyme, a ...

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