Search results for: cycling
Foam Rolling: 5 Simple & Effective Exercises

A foam roller is a compressed foam cylinder mostly used to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tightness and work through inflammation. Foam rolling is a self-applied exercise that reproduces a deep tissue massage. Using a foam roller before a workout increases flexibility, allowing you to get ...

Working Out: A Simple 5-Step Beginner’s Guide

Whenever someone tells me “I’m going to start working out”, it's mostly followed by “I’ll get a gym membership”. The next day or soon after this decision, they will go to the gym and do majority of the lifts known to mankind. I did this too. Let me rephrase that. I made that mistake too. And pretty ...

Diabetes: 4 Keys to Help You Reverse it!

Diabetes occurs when the insulin-resisting properties in the body are obstructed. In cases of Type-2 a person's body fails to produce enough insulin, or their cells don’t react much to it, causing blood sugar levels to elevate too high for the body to keep a healthy balance. As a result, those who ...

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