Search results for: abs
5 Reasons Why You Should Try Battle Ropes

If you want to get 'whipped' into shape, there is no better place to start than a set of these ropes, but what are they? Battle Ropes are simply long ropes attached or wrapped around an anchor point and moved vigorously; they're used by a whole host of athletes and are so popular for a number of ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Microgreens!

Microgreens are seedlings of vegetables and herbs that have been harvested less than 14 days after they germinate. This means they are usually very small and come in a whole array of colours and tastes. These qualities have meant that they have become popular with chefs as garnishes. Given how ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Psyllium Husk!

Psyllium or 'Ispaghula' is, let’s say, your “bowel” friend. It's a fiber made from the husks of the plant group Plantago. Being a dietary fiber, Psyllium is mainly known as a laxative. The plant from which the seeds are obtained resist cool, dry weathers well and it's primarily cultivated in ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Yacon!

What is Yacon or Smallanthus sonchifolius? It's a sweet tuberous root originally from Northern and Central Andes, primarily Colombia and Argentina. It is now also grown in Italy, Vietnam and New Zealand. Due to the presence of inulin, it has a sweet apple taste as well as texture. Being a tuber, it ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Daikon!

Daikon (大根  - Japanese radish or 'big root') are white, large, long, hard, and crunchy vegetables from the radish family. They're somewhat similar in appearance to fresh horseradish but have a subtler pepper flavour, like watercress. Also known as mooli, they can equally be eaten cooked or ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Cauliflower!

How do you eat cauliflower when you choose to have it? As cauliflower cheese, cauliflower rice, or perhaps just steamed or boiled? For many people, it plays the part of an interesting extra on a roast dinner plate that almost always comes second to its green cousin, broccoli. However, the health ...

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