Search results for: SELF CARE
Mental Health: 3 Ways Nature Can Benefit You

We lead busy lives as people, we work everyday, provide for our families, and spend the majority of our time indoors. Sometimes we might even forget, with all that we have going on, that spending time outside is significant to our health. With the growth of social media and technology these days, ...

FitOn — Fitness Workout App

There are lots of different home workout apps out there, but to the vexation of users, you almost always have to pay. Even if there’s no charge when you first download the app, there are often hidden costs when you try to actually access the workouts, or lots of distracting adverts, or it’s only ...

CBD Oil: 6 Key Benefits You Should Know

While the debate and stigma around the legality and use of marijuana remains an ongoing issue in the United States, the opposite is happening with the use of its derivatives. This is particularly evident with the distribution and use of cannabidiol or CBD, which is slowly becoming more accepted and ...

Interview with Dr Thuli Whitehouse

Dr. Thuli Whitehouse is an NHS GP, social prescribing advocate, mom and yoga instructor. She is working tirelessly to bring the many psychophysical and wellness benefits of yoga into mainstream healthcare practice. Her reasons for doing so include educating patients toward more personalised ...

Pretty Happy

Title: Pretty Happy - Healthy Ways to Love Your Body Author: Kate Hudson Year: 2016 Publisher: Harper Collins Synopsis: Actress Kate Hudson’s debut book "Pretty Happy" aims to inspire people to ignore the aspiration of being perfect and to be happy and comfortable in their own bodies. ...

Keep Fit Kingdom