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How Jukari Makes Working Out Exciting!

Is your training routine becoming stale or monotonous? Do you want to try something new whilst still thoroughly working out? Do you appreciate learning new ways to move your body and become airborne? Consider Jukari if you prefer full-body workouts (just like supermodel Miranda Kerr has done), ...

Fasted Cardio: What are the Pros and Cons?

The idea of fasted cardio first emerged back in the 90's, when a bodybuilder named Bill Phillips mentioned it in his book “Body-for-LIFE”. Ever since then, this idea has stuck around. So, what exactly is it and what does science have to say about it? The theory behind fasted cardio is that when ...

Foam Rolling: 5 Simple & Effective Exercises

A foam roller is a compressed foam cylinder mostly used to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tightness and work through inflammation. Foam rolling is a self-applied exercise that reproduces a deep tissue massage. Using a foam roller before a workout increases flexibility, allowing you to get ...

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