Search results for: music
Swiss Harmony – Electrosmog Products

As the use of technology becomes more prevalent, there is a continuous increase in the level of invisible electromagnetic radiation within the air that has been emitted and caused by the signals from wireless devices such as mobile phones as well as electrical mains for example. Like any type of ...

Top 5 Benefits of Yin Yoga!

Ready to hear about another kind of yoga? Of course you are. Yin yoga is based around the concept of yin and yang (the cute symbol on your choker necklace, you know the one) in the sense that this practice involves being stable and unmoving, yet ever-changing and revealing at the same time. Yin ...

Les Mills Live Weekend

The Les Mills fitness company originated in Auckland, New Zealand and was the brainchild of four-time Olympian Les Mills (and his equally impressive family) when he realised how successful group classes are at motivating participants. Their classes are made up of basic, proven keep fit exercises ...

Interview with Celest Pereira

People-loving yoga teacher Celest Pereira has a background in dancing, and a degree in physiotherapy. She travelled to India to study Hatha Yoga and Vipassana meditation and is the author of "The Yoga Mentor" a book written to help freshly qualified yoga teachers build their careers. In this ...

Reset (2016)

Set in the heart of Paris, amidst a backdrop of modernistic culture, Reset is a film that explores the complex and challenging journey of Benjamin Millepied, as he hurtles towards his directorial debut for prestigious French institution, l’Opéra National de Paris, ballet. Cast Benjamin ...

New Year, New You!

So we’re already 21 days, or 3 weeks into 2017, so how is it going for you? As we all know, this is the time where we begin to see how feasible our excitedly made New Year’s resolutions and promises to ourselves to make this year the greatest, actually are! Many decide to start living healthier, ...

Keep Fit Kingdom