Search results for: herb
Top 5 Health Benefits of Lotus Seeds

Lotus seeds or lotus nuts come from the Nelumbo nucifera, a herbaceous perennial species of plant. They are also known as 'makhana' in India. Lotus flowers, roots and seeds have been held in high regard in the cultures of India, China and Japan for centuries. Its seeds are used in Asian cuisine and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Lovage

Lovage or Levisticum officinale is a herb native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe. Lovage has an ancient history. It was introduced into Britain by the Romans and brought here by early English colonists. Lovage is also known as sea parsley, and the leaves and stem of the lovage plant ...

Can You Use CBD Oil for Pain Management?

Cannabinoid (CBD) oil has become very popular in recent years. One of these reasons is that many studies have reported that it’s beneficial for health. Namely, it can help to treat some medical conditions, including anxiety and stress, pain, skin problems, inflammation, heart health issues, and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Mugwort

Mugwort is the cousin of Wormwood and St John's Wort. In medieval times people used mugwort to make a beer called "gruit" and the beer was drunk from a mug and it seems likely that this is the reason mugwort is called this. 'Wort' means plant, herb or root in old English. It is also a native ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is also known as Arctic Root or Golden Root. It grows naturally at high altitudes and can be found in Britain, Asia and North America. It is native to Siberia and was much prized in history by the Vikings to enhance physical strength and endurance and considered an important health ...

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