The English nation’s exercise levels are shockingly low according to research conducted by the Centre for Market and Public Organisation at Bristol University in 2013. Studies have discovered that almost 80% of the population failed to fulfil the recommended national government targets of mild exercise for 30 minutes, 12 times a month. It further found that just over 8% of adults who were able to walk hadn’t done so continuously for 5 minutes within the previous 4 weeks. Now we’ll consider: Does Outdoor Exercise Affect Your Spirituality?
It’s common knowledge that regular exercise brings a myriad of benefits that include improved health, posture and a decrease in anxiety and stress levels. What is not common knowledge is that exercise, especially when conducted outdoors, can be great for your spirituality as well. Spending time outdoors in nature, while engaging in some form of physical activity, can be of unsurpassed benefit to your entire being.
The benefits of outdoor exercise
There are countless benefits of exercising in the outdoors that range from obtaining a healthy dose of Vitamin D to saving money on a gym membership. A park run is known to burn more calories than a treadmill by up to 10% although it is your joints that benefit most as the firm, flat surface of a treadmill could put more strain on your ligaments and knees. Another added benefit of training outdoors lies in the boost it will give your immune system. A study published in the International Journal of Immunopathology found that inhaling small amounts of airborne plant chemicals actually improves your immune response by 50%.
The effects of outdoor exercise on spirituality
The impressive element of detox that arises from outdoor exercise has many immediate and far-reaching benefits to your entire body as well as to your spiritual being. When you detox, you rid your body of a lot of poisons that may inhibit your spirituality, leaving you feeling brighter and lighter than before helping you to spiritually reawaken and enjoy the heights of your inner connection.
Nothing has the ability to balance hormones quite as well as regular exercise does. Your endocrine function is vital for your internal world communication if you’re to be aware of yourself as a multi-dimensional being, which of course, you are! If any part of your hormonal transmission is not functioning as it should be you might not receive the enriching inner guidance needed to achieve higher states of consciousness.
The benefits of exercise in terms of both a spiritual awakening and overall well-being are substantial. (US readers, if you think you might need to get more ‘tangible’ help, feel free to enquire about finding local therapists.) What is interesting to note, is that just a few minutes of physical activity can dramatically contribute to your health, which in turn will help improve your overall QOL (quality of life) score. So, why not make it a part of your regular routine? Of course, we’re in the thick of winter now, so wrap up warm! There are many ways to keep fit even if you find yourself indoors more at this time. What are your thoughts on exercise (outdoor or indoor) and its link to spirituality? Let us know below or join in the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!