Tom Bilyeu: Top 5 Lessons We Can Learn from Him

Tom Bilyeu is an entrepreneur who wants to expand people’s vision of wellness to a 360 degree view that encompasses the body and mind. He is the co-founder of the billion dollar brand Quest Nutrition and weekly interview show: Impact Theory.

He created Impact Theory to help people discover skills they need to improve both themselves and the world to unlock their potential. He has a lot of cool tips and tricks to inspire people to greatness, follow along to learn why, according to Tom, mindset is everything and how to become your best in Tom Bilyeu: Top 5 Lessons We Can Learn from Him!

1. Love Change

Tom Bilyeu will say over and over again how much he loves change. Most of us, myself included, are afraid of change. Being comfortable feels safe and change feels scary. He says to not fear change, but to look at ways you have been wrong and change them.

You also don’t have to be in pain to want to change. It just becomes harder to grab onto and go with it when things are not going poorly, but you can always change your life. Change will allow you to continue to grow and become better and better everyday.

His saying is: A fool never changes or learns, a smart man learns from his mistakes, and a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Don’t be afraid to try and fail and try again. It’s all part of failing forwards!

2. Skills Have Value

According to Tom, skills have value. That means they allow you to do things. For example, you don’t learn how to build a house to impress your parents, you learn how to build a house to have the ability to live in the house.

If you think of skills in that way it will change your mindset. Also he believes that whatever skills you have today have taken you to wherever they were going to take you already. This is why you need to keep learning and changing throughout your whole life. That is the only way to live life to its fullest.

3. Tom Bilyeu Says Work Hard and Challenge Yourself

This might sound like a more obvious point but it is extremely important. One of the hardest parts about working hard and reaching your goals is showing up.

Just starting is the hardest thing you can do. Once you show up, the hard part is done and you can do whatever you put your mind to. Tom says don’t be afraid to use the word “yet”. I’m not there “yet”, I’m not good at it “yet.”

Just keep pushing yourself and challenging yourself. The goal is to have the power to change and make a difference. Power means being able to close your eyes, imagining a better world than today, opening them and being able to do something about it.

4. Have Rules

Tom believes that having some rules put in place will help change your mindset to be the best version of yourself. One of his rules is to get up 10 minutes after he wakes up no matter what.

Once his eyes open he will set an alarm and then he has to get up. This allows him to start his day productively. When he fails he likes to think about why he failed and then just move on to the next day without further thought.

That allows him to not think of the failure but know why it happened and not do it again. Another rule he has is he will never go above a size 32 (pants). During certain times of the year, for example, the holidays, he doesn’t like to keep the same workout regime and enjoy more types of foods.

He will allow himself to not have abs and be as toned as he usually is. But, he will never allow himself to not fit in that size of pants. These small rules allow Tom to be the best version of himself and still do the things he loves without negative consequences. It makes him feel like he is not drastically changing parts of his life but he’s still being the best version of himself.

5. Find Your Purpose

“It’s not about who you are today, But who you are willing to become and the price you will pay to get there.”

Tom Bilyeu says that in order to love your life the most, do something fulfilling. Work your a** off to do something to fulfill yourself and other people. He believes that mindset is everything and everyone in this world no matter who you are is capable of doing whatever they want to do and achieve any goal they have.

He is inspiring to me and I think his tips carry value in my everyday life and will help me become a better version of myself and so for you too. Learn more by watching his YouTube channel, Impact Theory!

Have you seen any of Tom’s Impact Theory interviews? Which are your favorites so far? Let us know in the comments below and join in the conversation on FacebookTwitter & Instagram

Teresa Marinaccio

Teresa Marinaccio is a 23 year-old recent marketing graduate from Clemson University. She is passionate about being happy, healthy and living life to the fullest. She has played sports her entire life and exercises daily as an essential part of her daily routine. Her favorite exercises are walking outdoors and lifting weights. She believes that being your healthiest self will allow you to be the best version of yourself and you can help others get there as well!

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