Do you ever plan to eat healthy and follow a strict diet plan, but then seem to crumble at the sight of a dessert and wine menu? We tend to hold our own willpower accountable if a diet becomes too challenging to stick to, when in fact, it’s only our body trying to survive. I’ve been there - and so ...
READ MORE +You Cannot Hit a Target if You are not Aiming Directly at it By this I mean that any weight loss or health goal will become much, much harder and fruitless if you don’t even have a target – therefore the first rule is, you must decide what that target is to be. Choose exactly what you want in your ...
READ MORE +In only 4 years, Anthony Joshua has made a name for himself as one of the most promising, prominent boxers of this generation. Standing at a whopping 6'6", this man burst onto the pro boxing scene as one of its biggest boxers (literally!). What's even larger than his physical stature is the “bang!” ...
READ MORE +Something a bit different this week, as we at Keep Fit Kingdom are trying out Kundalini yoga. What is this, you ask, and how is it different to ordinary kinds of yoga exercises? Well, Kundalini refers more to inbound meditation and the awakening of your mind rather than merely physical stretches. ...