Top 5
5 Top Diabetes Management Tips!

The entire month of November marks Diabetes Awareness Month, so in 5 Top Diabetes Management Tips we're aiming to raise awareness for diabetes, a term which refers to two very serious, yet different, types of condition- type 1 and type 2.  Managing to control blood sugar levels is an essential part ...

5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals!

If you're health conscious or a foodie, you've just got to know these 5 Smart Ways To Use Turmeric In Your Meals! if you're into wellbeing, chances are turmeric has been on your radar. Its slightly perfumed and bitter earthy taste is a unique and delicious enhancement to almost any dish. Turmeric's ...

Top 5 Unusual Bodyweight Exercises!

In Top 5 Unusual Bodyweight Exercises we'll look at 5 exercises that you may not be familiar with that only require your own bodyweight and a few easily accessible props. You might get a few funny looks when you perform them but they’re well worth it! 1. Chin retractions with theraband Nowadays ...

Top 5 Vegan Cheesecake Recipes!

My love of cheesecake was something I regretfully bade farewell to when I began my vegan journey two years ago. However, despite operating under an undeniable oxymoron, it didn't take me long to discover a wealth of delicious vegan 'cheesecake' recipes! Most use either raw cashews or tofu as a ...

Top 5 Nut Butters!

Meet peanut butter’s cool, smart and versatile cousin – nut butter! Peanut butter has long been a cupboard staple, but in recent years a whole host of different nutty spreads have made their way onto mainstream shelves. They are as delicious as they are nutritious and have a wide variety of ...

Top 5 Vegan Sweet Treats!

You can still be super unhealthy as a vegan as there are still lots of sugary snacks out there, mass processed stuff. If you’re interested in being a healthy vegan but still like a sweet treat every now and then, why not try some of our favourite recipes? Enter our Top 5 Vegan Sweet Treats! 1) ...

5 Top Vegan Protein Sources!

As a general rule, we have always relied on meat as our main source of protein but recently people are beginning to explore different diets and seeking out new ways to pump up on their protein intake. You may be joining the vegan movement, or you could simply want to get more gains from grains, ...

5 Top Physique Hacks for Uni Students!

University life opens new and exciting opportunities for young adults. However amidst all of the inevitable late nights, midnight binges and takeaways, students may quickly find themselves gaining unwanted weight. This is a nightmare for those who have aspirations to build an outstanding physique ...

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