social prescribing
Interview with Dr Michael Dixon

Dr Michael Dixon is the National Clinical Lead for Social Prescription (NHS England), Medical Advisor to HRH Prince of Wales and Chairman of the College of Medicine in London. In this extended feature with Dr Dixon, we focus on health, wellness and the growth of social prescribing. It has now ...

Interview with Debs Teale

Debs Teale (nee Taylor), is an example of how finding your purpose through Social Prescribing can help transcend every limiting belief and lifestyle issue that might have cramped your potential in the past. Suffering from chronic depression for several decades, at one point, she almost took her ...

Interview with Dr Thuli Whitehouse

Dr. Thuli Whitehouse is an NHS GP, social prescribing advocate, mom and yoga instructor. She is working tirelessly to bring the many psychophysical and wellness benefits of yoga into mainstream healthcare practice. Her reasons for doing so include educating patients toward more personalised ...

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