5 Pillars of Mental Health

Although mental health is essential to leading a happy and balanced life, it is frequently disregarded or misinterpreted in a society that places a premium on output and outward achievement. Our mental health needs special attention, just as we give our physical body the right diet, exercise, and ...

Get Your Zen On: Top 5 Benefits of Meditation!

Meditation is the very core and inner heart of yoga, and it can give you a sense of calmness, balance and poise that benefits all areas of your life. It is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction, allowing you to focus your attention and eliminate the numerous useless thoughts we often ...

Top 5 Benefits of Kundalini Yoga!

Something a bit different this week, as we at Keep Fit Kingdom are trying out Kundalini yoga. What is this, you ask, and how is it different to ordinary kinds of yoga exercises? Well, Kundalini refers more to inbound meditation and the awakening of your mind rather than merely physical stretches. ...

Keep Fit Kingdom