Running Times: 5 Ways to Improve Them

Last time out, I discussed with you about how to stay active. One great way to do you just that is to get into running. Running can be challenging to begin yet fantastic when it is a habit. A brilliant way to stay motivated is to aim for faster running times. Here's how you can increase your speed ...

7 Ways to Overcome Gym Anxiety as a Woman

On my first visit to the gym, I entered with the vision of tentatively trying my first few sets of barbell squats. It was 7pm, the weights area had been left dishevelled by powerlifters, and the squat racks were crowded with men. The room was hot and sweaty. Too anxious to step foot into the ...

Top 5 Benefits of Yin Yoga!

Ready to hear about another kind of yoga? Of course you are. Yin yoga is based around the concept of yin and yang (the cute symbol on your choker necklace, you know the one) in the sense that this practice involves being stable and unmoving, yet ever-changing and revealing at the same time. Yin ...

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